10 years ago
Seeking two " early " Friedrich Rometsch badges, if that distinction exists, that fit the lower rear of the front fenders and a Rometsch " script " approximately 22-25 cm long and upper case "R" approx. 2 cm high, fabricated in Chromed pot metal. Kindly, does anybody know when Rometsch and Beeskow left Erdmann & Rossi. Thanks!
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10 years ago
Contact the Grundmanns?
Master of my domaine.
10 years ago
Thank you for the suggestion! I was in touch with the Grundmanns several years ago seeking records, build sheets, photos and historical documents; however I was not ready for badges and script at that time!
10 years ago
Erdmann&Rossi ended their life when the war bombed out their entire workshop. Beeskow (post-war chief designer at E&R) was "picked up form the street" by Rometsch right after the war.

Rometsch never worked for Erdmann&Rossi.

The script you can buy from "Kdf Service" in Poland. Fantastic product! find them/him on TheSamba classifieds.

The fender badges are available...old stock. Do you need the silver (for Beeskow model) or the gold (for Lawrence model)?
Mail me at "[email protected]" if you need these badges.