  • Batton
  • Regular Topic Starter
14 years ago
Whilst at the MOT station with my '67 1500 Beetle last weekend I had a rare opportunity to view the underside whilst it was up on the ramps. Whilst it is generally very clean indeed I did notice a little bit of surface rust developing at the front of the floorpan and I would like to jump on this straight away.

What are the preferred actions/products used by others on this site?

I will obviously get a wire brush to it initially and get it all cleaned up but I'd be interested to hear of your experiences with the wide variety of rust preventative treatments that are available these days.
I look forward to hearing from you.


PS - By the way the Beetle passed the MOT with flying colours and the MOT man was very impressed with how clean it is.

PPS - For anyone living in the Peterborough/Stamford/Oundle area I can recommend Suttons Engineering of Nassington for a really thorough MOT. They have a great understanding of classic cars, and they let you watch the whole procedure and talk you through every part of the test - very interesting and informative, and the hour it takes flies by far quicker that sitting in reception reading old magazines!
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14 years ago
Por-15 is fantastic stuff...
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
14 years ago

Por-15 is fantastic stuff...

pre67vw wrote:

"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
  • Batton
  • Regular Topic Starter
14 years ago
Thanks guys,
Never used it before but have heard from others it is good so I appreciate your confirmation.
14 years ago
The only problem with it is that it once you've opened it, it doesn't really keep - so it's best to get everything ready and paint it all in one go. Or, buy one of the kits that has lots of little pots :wink: POR 15 Rust Prevention Paint (473ml) POR-15 Six Pack Rust Preventative Paint 

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • Batton
  • Regular Topic Starter
14 years ago
Thanks Rob
Useful advise and links :d