13 years ago

PAGE 05 (59)

(Under photo 1) Lisbon could also enjoy the visit from the relentless VW
(Under Photo 2) In Nazareth, Tony and family

"Embarked with the Volkswagen to New York where we went to my in-laws 'home in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. We visited the mountains together, where I was crowned Princess White Cloud», a clear allusion to her skin and green-blue eyes.
"Upon arrival at Texas, we said goodbye to the VW. There were many adventures along the way. On the way back from Dakota a stone thrown by a minibus broke the windshield. We were lucky because it was on arrival», but what mattered if we always had our guardian angel!»
Instead of exchanging the windshield, they switched Beetle's and prolonged the stay in the United States of America. "In 1968, we went to Luanda for Richard to work for Texas Instruments. One contracted company that Richard used to work, was Brown & Root, and when they heard that I was bilingual, my they asked my husband if he wanted to go back to work, warning him that they paid little. He replied to them: «Tony (Americans always shorten our name) if she likes you guys she will definitely go."
Maria Antonieta ended up flying to Lisbon, where he started «taking care of the staff in traffic until 1976».
This lady of 73 years, long gray hair almost white and blue eyes, recalled in a slow voice, owing to the linguistic American influences the life that have adopted until the disease from her husband is declared (see box).
It was in the U.S. that the couple went on holiday - «every year we spent half a year there, half a year here» - where still live their four nephews and why Tony continues to go back" I have a house in the state of Nebraska » .
And the memories that she holds from the Beetle that the Rokke couple used to -

Instagram | @early_type
13 years ago
Sorry guys for taking so long to finish this final part of the translation :oops: have been very busy with work for the last weeks.

And with this page I end this story, It was my pleasure to meet in person Mrs Rokke and share her story with you guys.

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.



PAGE 06 (60)

(Under photo 1) A moment of rest for the “Hero” In the French Riviera
(Under Photo 2) Maria Antonieta in the European VW Meeting in Portugal

make the connection between Luanda and Texas with such success was so strong, that 46 years later “Tony” acquired another “cousin”, the DE-51-46, a red and white 1302S – here in the European VW Meeting in Lisbon, on the 9th and 10th of September of 2001.
With undisguised pride, points out that this "hero", dated from 1972, "won the prize for the best in class', attracting fans of all ages, who did not hesitate and «asked to take pictures with us!». As for her means of transport, justifies the decision. «Today, to buy a new car is thousands of Euros, old for old, this is an old one with charisma!»
Maria Antonieta Rokke - or Tony as Richard used to call her - is like that and I am tempted to say that, for her, time did not pass, such is the pleasant way she regards to the various episodes, always with a smile, despite the cold that persisted in do not leave!.


(Under photos) the three heros in Texas, with the bug without the windshield.

A great love story
He is spoken throughout the narrative, the American who was working in Angola and met the bilingual secretary. The romance began when Maria Antonieta was working as a hostess and four months later they got married. With the change of life, was cast aside the chance to work, because only like this she could accompany her husband. «My husband promised me we would travel a lot and in fact I did travel a lot due to his work». A life together that began with the honeymoon of this couple of adventurers. As for Richard, "he was geologist and was taking a masters degree in Geophysics in the U.S. He worked in the Belgian Petroangol and was an employee of GSI and later for Texas Instruments. Already warned at the time of marriage but then had the opportunity to see for herself «we did traveled a lot». That is why «he said he wanted to write a book but never managed to materialize it». And just so, with great dedication has, among other things, established «the contract with GULF in S. Pittsburgh on the Oil of Cabinda ".
It was he who spotted, after 37 years of research carried out by various companies, the first black gold in Angola, and has played the role of supervisor in areas of petroleum in Africa. "
At age 42, begins to feel tired and had decided to retire and enjoy the fishing boats and yachts. «He was sick for years» Richard Rokke died on May 7, 1990, the state of Nebraska.

Instagram | @early_type
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