12 years ago
I'm restoring a couple of kubelwagens....but have no wheels!

They are the same 16" wheels as used on pre 52 cars, so if you have any for sale I'd be pleased to hear from you.

It doesn't matter too much where you are located.

Anthony (UK)
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  • AW
  • pre67vw Junkie
12 years ago
Hi there Anthony and welcome to the site I was in to kubels years ago in a former life. Any photos of the cars ???? What years are thay ? Didnt the Kubel wheels have a small hole drilled in to them to let the water drain out when thay where mounted on the bonnet for the spare? Good luck and dont forget to show us some photos :thumbup:

Andy W
12 years ago
Do you wanted the welded type of the riveted type?
Is frequently found with a glass of wine in one hand and a vintage vw part in the other