Poll Question: Would you like the forum to use real names (Poll is closed)

Total: 30

  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
12 years ago
I've recently joined a metalworking forum, they have a real names policy that I quite like. The deal is that you're allowed to use whatever username you want, but you must enter your real name somewhere (either in your profile, in your footer or just when you sign off a post).

This means that people won't be able to hide behind their username, and it also makes it a little more friendly - I hate it when people call me 'pre67vw' when replying.

So a little poll, to see if this would be a welcome change.

Just to clarify the idea:

1) Your full name would not need to be visible anywhere if you didn't want it to be.
2) Only your first name would be known by other members, to make things more friendly.
3) You would not need to change your username.

This is not far off how things are at the moment anyway, the biggest change would be that your real name would be known to me (the forum administrator) and to the moderators.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
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  • AW
  • pre67vw Junkie
12 years ago
Yes iam for that also and a curant photo of who you are talking to as well :thumbup:

Andy W
Mike Peckham
12 years ago
This is the one thing I would do to change this otherwise excellant forum. I am a member of two super 8 forums, both of which require real names. It goes a long way to making the forums a more civilised place and also helps to reduce spoof membership, multiple membership and spam (each new member has their name checked against their ISP and is not accepted unless there is a match).

It definitely has my vote.

Mike :beer:
July 1957 UK supplied RHD Oval. 1972 World Champion Beetle. 1978 UK supplied RHD 1303LS Cabriolet. 1973 UK supplied RHD 1303s.
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
12 years ago

each new member has their name checked against their ISP and is not accepted unless there is a match

Mike Peckham wrote:

Blimey, how would someone go about doing that?

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
Mike Peckham
12 years ago
I understand it's very straigthforward. On the forums I visit it delays new membership requests from being accepted by about 24 hours, which in itself deters Spam and Spoof posts.

If you want me to make enquiries I'll find out for you. But I know there's no mystery to it and it's something that can be done very easily.

Might be worth considering.

July 1957 UK supplied RHD Oval. 1972 World Champion Beetle. 1978 UK supplied RHD 1303LS Cabriolet. 1973 UK supplied RHD 1303s.
12 years ago
I have no problem with a real names policy and indeed use my real name on forums where 95% of people do not; I do however consider that I am able to look after myself.I therefore voted for real names.
However,IMHO a real names policy on this forum would require a much enhanced level of moderation than is currently present. Increasingly social media has an obligation to protect the members and this is often achieved by moderation - often by pre post moderation. If pre67VW has the time, inclination and resources to do this then fine if not be very sure that e real names forum and all the consequences thereof are what we want.
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
12 years ago

However,IMHO a real names policy on this forum would require a much enhanced level of moderation than is currently present. Increasingly social media has an obligation to protect the members and this is often achieved by moderation - often by pre post moderation. If pre67VW has the time, inclination and resources to do this then fine if not be very sure that e real names forum and all the consequences thereof are what we want.

merchantrader wrote:

I'm not sure it would lead to greater moderation, social media has privacy issues because people post some very personal stuff on those sites on the understanding that it's supposed to be a closed audience. A forum however, is not a closed audience. Pre-post moderation is not something that I want to do, not because I don't have the time or inclination, but because I think it would slow down conversations too much.

My opinion is the opposite, that if people know that they can't hide behind a username then maybe they are less likely to post anything offensive. In reality hiding behind a username is not a strong place to hide anyway, quite a lot can be found out from someone from their IP address and sometimes their email address as well, both of which I would happily hand over to the police if asked.

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
12 years ago
Okay I'm in favour anyway and it is your site. But please consider

a) social media is only closed if people excercise the control options - many do not and so it is open just like a forum.

b) What may be inoffensive in the UK may well be very offensive elsewhere and vice versa

c) The forum and police may be able to trace people through the IP and email (incidentally many forums ban gmail addresses because they are virtually untraceable and anybody who wants to can hide the IP address) but people's home addresses are normally quite easily traceable from a name and a few (innocent) clues.

d) my main unconcern would not be tracing posters but people reading unmoderated posts on an open named forum and then hastling the poster off forum. There are posts on this forum that could attract this sort of attention.
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
I agree.
My name Fernando Palmela, and the administration of the Forum total identification of the member.
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
12 years ago

Okay I'm in favour anyway and it is your site.

merchantrader wrote:

It may be my site, but feedback is most welcome...

a) social media is only closed if people excercise the control options - many do not and so it is open just like a forum.

b) What may be inoffensive in the UK may well be very offensive elsewhere and vice versa

merchantrader wrote:

These are both true, but I don't think these things are affected by using real names or not.

c) The forum and police may be able to trace people through the IP and email (incidentally many forums ban gmail addresses because they are virtually untraceable and anybody who wants to can hide the IP address) but people's home addresses are normally quite easily traceable from a name and a few (innocent) clues.

merchantrader wrote:

True enough.

d) my main unconcern would not be tracing posters but people reading unmoderated posts on an open named forum and then hastling the poster off forum. There are posts on this forum that could attract this sort of attention.

merchantrader wrote:

I think this is the main concern. However, I think there has been a fair bit of banter on this site between people who know each other that may well be miss-read by casual readers, the number of 'actual' problems between users I think I can count on one hand over the last 10 years.

I wasn't really thinking that people's full name would necessarily be published on each post or in their profile if they were worried about security. I'd be happy if people just used their first names on the condition that their full name would be known to me or other moderators. The aim would be to make the forum a little more friendly.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
12 years ago
I voted yes,and have edited my signature so it shows my real name.
12 years ago

I voted yes,and have edited my signature so it shows my real name.

GKL 7 wrote:

My name's Brian, and so's my wife :rofl:

"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading"
  • AW
  • pre67vw Junkie
12 years ago

My name's Brian, and so's my wife :rofl:

vintagebug wrote:

Brian ??????????? i thought you were called Sparticas ( sorry could not resist it :wink: )

Andy W
12 years ago
I'm Spartacus.
12 years ago
Good idea :thumbup:
1967 Westfalia SO42

12 years ago
I agree with pre67vw:omg: ...
Good job and thanks rob for doing the great job you do here.

Peter SCHEPENS aka zelensis61 not to be confused with Bart with "Zelensis"
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
12 years ago
My original username was SDV, but found it easier at shows to introduce myself to people using my real name. So I got my username changed to reflect my name. Makes my life easier when I meet people from here and hopefully people only have to remember one name.

A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
  • Kev
  • pre67vw Junkie
12 years ago
I think its a good idea, I wanted Kev as my username but someone already had it. How do I change to something else eg. KevM or Kevin or KevinM ?

Did you want loads of username change requests Rob ? :d
12 years ago
Harveypj. ....... Thought I might as well use the same user name I was issued at work.

Peter James Harvey (not the singer :smile: )

Happy for it to change into any name related format Rob. first name, last name, initials or any combination if needs be.
Stock......the new custom
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
12 years ago
I'm not suggestion that everyone changes their username, just that their real name is known somewhere/somehow so that when replying, you're replying to a person and not a username...
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
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