  • Tom
  • Newbie Topic Starter
10 years ago
Hello all!

I have recently inherited my grandfathers old Beetle and have been tinkering with it for a bit with my dad, I was just wondering if anyone on here can recommend any VW specialists in the Essex area as it needs a good service and a bit of body work as well.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Tall Bloke
10 years ago
Hi Tom

Harry Harpics in Leigh on Sea will be able to sort out the servicing - until you get proficient at it :shock:

The resto work being turned out by Spikes vintage restoration is fantastic - he is the other side of Woodham ferrers - does small jobs as well as full restos.

These are the people I would use - and I am a fussy sod. - Google their names to find number to call.
