17 years ago
There are 3 different style 67 bug door knob pulls. Early, Mid and late. Does anyone have any pictures of these to share?
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17 years ago
This is the pull for the lock, yes? I just checked with our '67 only expert. he has only noticed the one type which he says is the same as '68 only Bay window van.
17 years ago
I didn't know there were three types for '67 either! I used to have a '67 1500 with all the one-year only bits.
17 years ago
oct-dec style. early ones have a rounder top,mid year ones(nov-dec) have gentle curve on top ,same as late ones/ and late ones-jan-july have scallops on bottom. when installed the mid ones and late ones appear the same.
17 years ago
From your description, these look like they're the late ones...

 7314.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
17 years ago
I think those are mid to late 67 door lock knobs. I haven't be able to locate a picture of the early style. If someone has a picture of early 67 door lock knobs maybe they can post them.
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