15 years ago
Well, you've already learned not to go back to that VW garage :lol:
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
sarah dell
15 years ago
got any my way you could recommend?
sarah dell
15 years ago

The rocker cover is the big silver thing in the pic above, there's one on each side of the engine.


pre67vw wrote:

The pipe was disconnected, mine was connected in the middle under a piece of rubber but managed to get it fixed on. The air cooler has been moved as when i had the fan housing off to fix the fan there was no oil cooler in the fan housing, when I followed the wires there was a round almost can like thing under the wing?
sarah dell
15 years ago
Also managed to find someone (which was where i got my fan replacement from) uel problem he said that I shouldn't have it centralised as this is making the fuel travel further and not atomising properly ie going into droplets he said I sould split and have on each side, is this right? I am asuming with 2 air filters one on each side? He said this way I should be able to get at least 30 to the gallon, set up the old way. sorry to keep asking but you have given me such valuable advice so far I value your advice/opinion.
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