18 years ago
Welcome mrsherbie 😃
We were just having a friendly chat ET and me, this is how we communicate all the time... Not. We can discuss normally too.. :wink:

ET At your request here is my recepie for making a Hebster. First of all find a split. Preferably one with a splitdash and in such condition that no sane restorer would concider restoring it.

I'm using a february -52 split as my basecar. The floorpan and frame is original, the rearwindow was cut off sometimes in the 80's by some "customizer". The original -52 body have been patched with parts from two 60's bodies, mainly heaterchannels and some panels. The doors on it for the moment are also from a 60's car. The crotch coolers had been cut away and welded shut allready back in the late 50's on this body (I guess the beetles are pretty cold here in Finland during winters anyways...) The doors will be replaced with original ribbed doors as soon as I get that far in the process.

I have not been able to work as much as I wish on the Hebster this summer because we have had a lot of work on the house and off course in the garden too. Hopefully I will get as much as possible done on the Hebster now during the winter so I atleast can go to Bugrun 2006 in Sweden. Perhaps I will try to attends some other event on the continent too...?

Did you see the speedo I bought this week for it?  3202.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
The HebsterWerks.
18 years ago
SORRY! :roll:

:twisted: ET
I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!