13 years ago

If you looked really closely you will see why the CSP ghia won best of show by scoring 99points out of a possible 100.

ianmac wrote:

I'm not doubting that it won 99 out of 100, the question I was getting at was does the points system take into consideration the amount of effort required?

Generally on a racecar a large number of parts are either binned for lightness or brand new race items bolted in. Paint aside, it's got to be harder to restore a car to that standard?

For example, taking a speedo apart - getting the chrome parts re-chromed, dial repainted, mechanics restored and then putting it all back together is a lot harder than bolting in a brand new autometer speedo out of a box, but which gets more points? if there was a slight flaw in the restored one presumably then it would lose points?
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
13 years ago

I'm not doubting that it won 99 out of 100, the question I was getting at was does the points system take into consideration the amount of effort required?

Generally on a racecar a large number of parts are either binned for lightness or brand new race items bolted in. Paint aside, it's got to be harder to restore a car to that standard?

For example, taking a speedo apart - getting the chrome parts re-chromed, dial repainted, mechanics restored and then putting it all back together is a lot harder than bolting in a brand new autometer speedo out of a box, but which gets more points? if there was a slight flaw in the restored one presumably then it would lose points?

pre67vw wrote:

I´m not sure I agree Rob. Whats harder - taking a car apart, restoring the parts and putting them back together again - or making a pile of bits that have never even been a car before into a car? It may be easier to bolt an Autometer speedo on, but then maybe not if you have to make the dash panel first.

Impossible to judge really, as it isn´t comparing like with like.
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
13 years ago

Impossible to judge really, as it isn´t comparing like with like.

JD wrote:

Thats my point entirely!
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
13 years ago
So, discussing whether a restocal or a drag car should have won on a Vintage VW website!!!!

:roll: :smile: :rofl: :d 😛 :d :wink:

13 years ago

So, discussing whether a restocal or a drag car should have won on a Vintage VW website!!!!

:roll: :smile: :rofl: :d 😛 :d :wink:

six-o-one wrote:


Hey, it really makes no difference to me who won or lost. My favourite car there was the CCG split anyway 😛
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • GKL 7
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
13 years ago

My favourite car there was the CCG split anyway 😛

pre67vw wrote:

Off on a tangent again.Wasn't that guy trying to sell the car at the last H.O
Or was it the new owner that attended Volksworld?
Kids taxi
13 years ago
I attended this year and really enjoyed the show , I must admit I did look at Martins car ALOT and I also looked at Simon Fox's squareback ALOT as the chap had built it all himself .
I must admit I dont think the CSP car should have won as Its a race car , It will never be on the road and really it wasnt my thing . I can understand the detailing that went into it but at a rumoured build cost of 130K it ought to be .

I did enjoy seeing all the stock cars there this year BUT the CCG car was great and the army dummy was frankly quite freaky :omg: :omg:

Finally what an Earth was going on with that white gravel...... Ive seen it at NEC classic shows before but they lay it down after the cars have been moved into position 😳 😳 😳

Im too Old for This
13 years ago
When a totally stock VW wins BoS people moan - when a modified VW wins...
The CSP Karmann Ghia was built a few years back and has been running in red oxide primer. The owner, Peter Köhmann promised that when it had run a 8 second quarter mile - it was been time for it to be painted. It ran 8.7 seconds last year - making it the fastest car with a VW crankcase. Over the winter it was totally stripped, everything was painted (and as mentioned the paint is a work of art) and then it was rebuilt. The problem was that the new paint work made everything look substandard so virtually everything had to be replaced or restored.

To make sure no one could suggest the judging was rigged - the CSP Ghia was judged by Gavin Jones - the chap who painted Martin Fenner's car. He could not believe how good the car was! He gave it 99 out of 100.

Martin's car took Visitor's Choice - which is a great award. The visitors would not judge the car by looking for faults, they would judge it on personal feelings. So, this would mean the areas which the judge would have marked it down would not be in the picture. You may not be bothered that the driver's door side trim was half an inch different the the rear quarter trim or that there had not been time do do little jobs such as fitting the front seat - but the judge is.

Whatever car wins, someone will always have their own opinion that differs. There were actually six cars that could have taken Best of Show after the CSP car. The next scored 93 and it was not Martin's car, it was Johnny Grigg's Beetle. Simon Fox's Squareback was also way up there and what a piece of work that car is! It would have been 7 cars if Dave Forder had got his finished in time!
Ianmac - You're spot on!

69project - Tittle tattle... You said it! So lame it's nearly funny. One phone call to Gavin Jones at Trailer Queen Restos - who judges it will put you straight. Total hogwash and Cod's wallop.

JD - Impossible to judge really, as it isn´t comparing like with like - This is what makes it so hard, it's down to the quality and style of the car. And a Vintage car has every reason to win if it is better than anything else at the event. Equally a Resto Cal.

I think we should be celebrating the fact that so many top quality cars - whatever the style are being built and we can enjoy looking at the hard work that goes into them.
  • GKL 7
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
13 years ago

When a totally stock VW wins BoS people moan - when a modified VW wins...
The CSP Karmann Ghia was built a few years back and has been running in red oxide primer. The owner, Peter Köhmann promised that when it had run a 8 second quarter mile - it was been time for it to be painted. It ran 8.7 seconds last year - making it the fastest car with a VW crankcase. Over the winter it was totally stripped, everything was painted (and as mentioned the paint is a work of art) and then it was rebuilt. The problem was that the new paint work made everything look substandard so virtually everything had to be replaced or restored.

To make sure no one could suggest the judging was rigged - the CSP Ghia was judged by Gavin Jones - the chap who painted Martin Fenner's car. He could not believe how good the car was! He gave it 99 out of 100.

Martin's car took Visitor's Choice - which is a great award. The visitors would not judge the car by looking for faults, they would judge it on personal feelings. So, this would mean the areas which the judge would have marked it down would not be in the picture. You may not be bothered that the driver's door side trim was half an inch different the the rear quarter trim or that there had not been time do do little jobs such as fitting the front seat - but the judge is.

Whatever car wins, someone will always have their own opinion that differs. There were actually six cars that could have taken Best of Show after the CSP car. The next scored 93 and it was not Martin's car, it was Johnny Grigg's Beetle. Simon Fox's Squareback was also way up there and what a piece of work that car is! It would have been 7 cars if Dave Forder had got his finished in time!
Ianmac - You're spot on!

69project - Tittle tattle... You said it! So lame it's nearly funny. One phone call to Gavin Jones at Trailer Queen Restos - who judges it will put you straight. Total hogwash and Cod's wallop.

JD - Impossible to judge really, as it isn´t comparing like with like - This is what makes it so hard, it's down to the quality and style of the car. And a Vintage car has every reason to win if it is better than anything else at the event. Equally a Resto Cal.

I think we should be celebrating the fact that so many top quality cars - whatever the style are being built and we can enjoy looking at the hard work that goes into them.

Ivan wrote:

Yeah! but Martins one of us,pre 67 nutters.So we were biased:wink:(loyal gang we are)

Your man in Germany didn't reply,so i'm still looking.
13 years ago

When a totally stock VW wins BoS people moan - when a modified VW wins...
The CSP Karmann Ghia was built a few years back and has been running in red oxide primer. The owner, Peter Köhmann promised that when it had run a 8 second quarter mile - it was been time for it to be painted. It ran 8.7 seconds last year - making it the fastest car with a VW crankcase. Over the winter it was totally stripped, everything was painted (and as mentioned the paint is a work of art) and then it was rebuilt. The problem was that the new paint work made everything look substandard so virtually everything had to be replaced or restored.

To make sure no one could suggest the judging was rigged - the CSP Ghia was judged by Gavin Jones - the chap who painted Martin Fenner's car. He could not believe how good the car was! He gave it 99 out of 100.

Martin's car took Visitor's Choice - which is a great award. The visitors would not judge the car by looking for faults, they would judge it on personal feelings. So, this would mean the areas which the judge would have marked it down would not be in the picture. You may not be bothered that the driver's door side trim was half an inch different the the rear quarter trim or that there had not been time do do little jobs such as fitting the front seat - but the judge is.

Whatever car wins, someone will always have their own opinion that differs. There were actually six cars that could have taken Best of Show after the CSP car. The next scored 93 and it was not Martin's car, it was Johnny Grigg's Beetle. Simon Fox's Squareback was also way up there and what a piece of work that car is! It would have been 7 cars if Dave Forder had got his finished in time!
Ianmac - You're spot on!

69project - Tittle tattle... You said it! So lame it's nearly funny. One phone call to Gavin Jones at Trailer Queen Restos - who judges it will put you straight. Total hogwash and Cod's wallop.

JD - Impossible to judge really, as it isn´t comparing like with like - This is what makes it so hard, it's down to the quality and style of the car. And a Vintage car has every reason to win if it is better than anything else at the event. Equally a Resto Cal.

I think we should be celebrating the fact that so many top quality cars - whatever the style are being built and we can enjoy looking at the hard work that goes into them.

Ivan wrote:

I wondered if this topic would get a reply from you... :wink:

I don't think anyone was moaning that the CSP car won, well I wasn't in any case - just find it strange that some of these cars can compete against each other, but I guess thats the name of the game.

But then again thats one of the reasons that there's not many vintage cars that go in for this kind of thing. As I understand it, the points favour replacement over originality and most vintage people think the other way round.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
13 years ago
i guess it should also be a fully functioning, driving car that wins!

i like Mike's summary here
Flickr album 
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
13 years ago

i guess it should also be a fully functioning, driving car that wins!

RockStock wrote:

:? Seems to run pretty well. Quite nippy, one might almost say.
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
13 years ago
Running an 8.7 is more than impressive and if it's as good as it was judged then it deserved to win - I'm just glad I don't have to compare the cars and pick a winner!
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
13 years ago

:? Seems to run pretty well. Quite nippy, one might almost say.

JD wrote:

i meant the kab! from what i've read, it still needs some work?

13 years ago

I wondered if this topic would get a reply from you... :wink:

I don't think anyone was moaning that the CSP car won, well I wasn't in any case - just find it strange that some of these cars can compete against each other, but I guess thats the name of the game.

But then again thats one of the reasons that there's not many vintage cars that go in for this kind of thing. As I understand it, the points favour replacement over originality and most vintage people think the other way round.

pre67vw wrote:

A stocker or vintage car would be judged for originality, correctness and quality of workmanship. There is NO reason a Stock VW can not win Best of Show.
This year more than one completely stock VW took a Top 20. Paul Wilcock's Le Grand Special Edition is totally original and unrestored. In fact if I checked I'd probably find stock VWs win every year. I know Andy Holmes took one last year - and got one again this year!
Obviously it is hard for some people to understand how we can have an event without clear categories or classes - which is how we used to work the awards system at The VolksWorld Show. Until someone threw all their toys out of the pram!

From 20 years of experience - I can tell you one thing, it doesn't matter what you do someone will always find a way to question it.
13 years ago

A stocker or vintage car would be judged for originality, correctness and quality of workmanship. There is NO reason a Stock VW can not win Best of Show.

Ivan wrote:

So you're saying that the cars are judged in classes even if the awards aren't given out that way? Obviously the CSP car wouldn't score very highly for originality or correctness...

From 20 years of experience - I can tell you one thing, it doesn't matter what you do someone will always find a way to question it.

Ivan wrote:

Don't get me wrong, no complaints from me - it was a great show, lots of fantastic cars to look at and no doubt the winners deserved their awards.

For me personally it doesn't matter how you judge the cars because there's no way I'm going to ever own anything that comes close to being inside the arena let alone the top 20. :d

I think it takes a certain kind of person to build a car that can compete for BoS, one that is anal beyond any sane amounts - if you win, you really need to see someone. :d

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
13 years ago

I think it takes a certain kind of person to build a car that can compete for BoS, one that is anal beyond any sane amounts

pre67vw wrote:

it'd be fascinating to see a Total Buy/Build Cost for each of the Top 20 cars:omg:
& for that reason

there's no way I'm going to ever own anything that comes close to being inside the arena let alone the top 20

pre67vw wrote:

me neither!

just to say i enjoy the show though:smile:
13 years ago
"Mr Stock"
13 years ago

But then again thats one of the reasons that there's not many vintage cars that go in for this kind of thing. As I understand it, the points favour replacement over originality and most vintage people think the other way round.

pre67vw wrote:

or how much money they have!, i love some of the slammed cars, patina, rat look etc etc, but putting a car into a show stands no chance up against someone who has just written a blank cheque to have a car restored.

I think this is why there are fewer and fewer OG cars about because people feel to follow th masses and the need to have unblemished paint that you can eat your dinner off, beetles did not leave wolfsburg like that!!

I put mine into stanford and was told thanks for coming and moved onto the next car, they didnt even look in the engine bay, but spend 30 minutes on the restored cars!

would it be an idea to have a restored and and original class?